Source code for progressive.util

import math
import copy
from itertools import chain

[docs]def floor(x): """Returns the floor of ``x`` :returns: floor of ``x`` :rtype: int """ return int(math.floor(x))
[docs]def ensure(expr, exc, *args, **kwargs): """ :raises ``exc``: With ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` if not ``expr`` """ if not expr: raise exc(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def u(s): """Cast ``s`` as unicode string This is a convenience function to make up for the fact that Python3 does not have a unicode() cast (for obvious reasons) :rtype: unicode :returns: Equivalent of unicode(s) (at least I hope so) """ return u'{}'.format(s)
[docs]def merge_dicts(dicts, deepcopy=False): """Merges dicts In case of key conflicts, the value kept will be from the latter dictionary in the list of dictionaries :param dicts: [dict, ...] :param deepcopy: deepcopy items within dicts """ assert isinstance(dicts, list) and all(isinstance(d, dict) for d in dicts) return dict(chain(*[copy.deepcopy(d).items() if deepcopy else d.items() for d in dicts]))